Friday, April 8, 2016

God's not Dead 2 ~ a movie review

Hi, y'all! 
I got the privilege of going to so see God's not Dead 2 yesterday. It was fantastic. 
This film is about a teacher who finds herself caught up in a legal battle for simply answering a student's question. When faced with the choice of apologizing for speaking freely of Jesus in her answer, brave Grace chooses the right, and more difficult, path. What will happen to the job she loves? 
This was an amazing course in apologetics for me. I found their reasoning to be very intriguing. It was a lot of fun. 
However, as with most Christian movies, it had its cheese factor. It felt a wee bit as if the were trying to prove that the Newsboys aren't dead. It ended the same way as the first - with a Newsboys concert. Now, I like the Newsboys. They write amazing music and it does go well with the theme of the movie. I found it a little cheesy though, the way that they included the band. 
Would I watch this movie again? Absolutely. It was incredible. 
Go out and support this film!

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